Liminal Time and Space by Deanne Quarrie

Deanne Quarrie

The word liminal comes from the Latin word limen, meaning “a threshold.” The word threshold has several definitions.  It can be the sill of a doorway or the entrance of a building.  Ultimately, it means any place of point of entering or beginning. In psychology the term limen means the point at which a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to begin to produce an effect.

Liminal time therefore, is that moment when something changes from one state to another.  Examples would be dawn, the morning sun rising high enough in the sky to bring daylight.  Another is dusk, the evening sun sinking into the horizon bringing nightfall.

Another is that moment when we move from a clearing into a deep fog which shrouds us in mist and for a moment, we stop all thinking. There is that moment when we first wake from a deep sleep, not fully awake but no longer asleep.  Plus there is that state when we move from wakeful consciousness into sleep. There are also those moments of transitions between life and death and from an unborn fetus to a living, breathing infant.

Liminal spaces are thin places occurring on boundaries between spaces. This includes places like the boundaries between properties where fences or trees mark them.  Also edges between water and land or even between plains and mountains, highways and grass, etc.   These are all edges where changes occur. Imagine the cliffs and boulders on the Pacific Coast and the massive waves hitting and then retreating, that moment of contact before withdrawal – a liminal moment.

As the Earth travels around the Sun, the year can be divided into two halves, the bright half and the dark half.  In many cultures, the liminal times for these events fall around the first of May and again at the first of November. The liminal time for the beginning of the dark half of the year is when many cultures honor their ancestors.  It also marks the end of summer and the beginning of the new season, winter, the Season of Sleep. The other time of year honors the bright half and the beginning of summer. It is a time of bursting forth with an abundant fertility.

A shaman (modern term applied to spirit walkers of many traditions) works in liminal time and space.  She is an edge walker, one who walks between the worlds.  Her work is on the edge, as she has one foot in this world and one foot in the other.  She travels between them walking the edge.  She connects those of the spirit world with those of this one. Her work is to serve her tribe, to heal, to honor the gods of the people, to talk with the spirits, helping to keep life in balance and in harmony with all.

For those of us who live a magical life, liminal times and liminal spaces are where our magical work is done.   Liminal times and liminal spaces are when and where the veil between this world and the Otherworld thins. Travel between them becomes easier for us as well as for spirits and deities. As we deepen in our work we come to recognize these liminal times and spaces, eager to understand them and work with them and finally to use them for the great work of the soul.  We may choose liminal places to do our work and certainly we may choose a liminal time, moon wise, seasonally or in choosing the time of day.

We also have liminal times not of our choosing.  We can learn to recognize and use them for the best outcome.  Many of them occur throughout our lives.  Often we fail to see what they are until they are behind us.  At other times we are able to see and understand and work with the changes so that what is coming is of the best quality for us.  They are threshold moments and we will step through, whether willing or not.  We are fortunate when we can see these moments for what they are and embrace them, knowing that a birth of some sort is about to happen.

We have many liminal moments that we share.  As women – our first bloods – our first sexual experience – our wedding day – the birth of a child – the death of a loved one – a divorce and an ending of what once was – our first job – the birth of a wonderful creative project – the ending of a career – recognition of inevitable aging and the losses that come with that – and finally embracing death, however she comes.  If we recognize them as thresholds we can choose to honor these liminal times with ritual and ceremony.

Most of the time, I love liminal times and liminal spaces. I don’t always enjoy them when they are not of my choosing. I do, however, see these thresholds as potential – as opportunities to birth something new.

We are in liminal time right now – the Season of Beltane, the beginning of the bright half of the year.  The veil is thin between the worlds and this is the traditional time for embracing what is coming in.  We have had quite a few occasions to shed, to cleanse and to release.  Now it is time to embrace our abundance, a time to embrace our sacred power and all that we are creating.  This is the Season of Plenty, the Mother’s Fullness manifested here on Earth, with us and through us. May we use this Season of Beltane, the liminal space and time of this moment, to find magic and new beginnings manifested in our lives.

Deanne Quarrie is a Priestess of The Goddess, and author of five books.  She is an Adjunct Professor at Ocean Seminary College, teaching classes on the Ogham, Ritual Creation, Ethics for Neopagan Clergy, Exploring Sensory Awareness, Energetic Boundaries, and many other classes on the use of magic.  She is the founder of Global Goddess, a worldwide organization open to all women who honor some form of the divine feminine, as well as The Apple Branch – A Dianic Tradition where she mentors women who wish to serve as priestesses. 

Author: Deanne Quarrie

Deanne Quarrie is a Priestess of The Goddess, and author of six books. She teaches online at the Liminal Thealogical Center and is the Founder at Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Ocean Seminary College. She teaches classes in Feminist Dianic Wicca, Druidism, Celtic Shamanism, the Ogham, Ritual Creation, Ethics for Neopagan Clergy, Exploring Sensory Awareness, Energetic Boundaries, and many other classes on the use of magic. She is the founder of Global Goddess, a worldwide organization open to all women who honor some form of the divine feminine. Through the years Deanne has organized many women’s festivals, seasonal celebrations, taught workshops and formed groups of women to honor the age-old tradition of women coming together to share. Deanne’s books can be found Here For more information about Deanne, visit: The Apple Branch The Blue Roebuck Her Breath Global Goddess

14 thoughts on “Liminal Time and Space by Deanne Quarrie”

  1. What a wonderful, insightful, clarifying post. As someone just beginning to discover some of the physical challenges and emotional and spiritual joys of later life, who has just sent a child off into the world, and who works with many older people nearing death, I am in liminal time and space a lot, but never before had a unifying concept for these experiences. Thank you!


  2. Thank you Deanne for this lovely piece! I love liminal times/spaces. In the Southern Hemisphere where I live we are moving into Winter. On the Drakensberg mountains where I have my home, Autumn is a time of flowering trees! And one has to remind oneself that this is the end of Summer, not Spring, that we are curling in, not out. I love the strangeness of this time.


  3. Reblogged this on Journeying to the Goddess and commented:
    More wonderful thoughts on Beltane…””We are in liminal time right now – the Season of Beltane, the beginning of the bright half of the year. The veil is thin between the worlds and this is the traditional time for embracing what is coming in.” ~ Deanne Quarrie


  4. Deanne,
    thanks so much for sharing this bringing together of thresholds as we pass into Beltane ! I knew the word “liminal” but not limin. In permaculture, the liminal spaces (new vocabulary !!!), the edges, are the most fertile places, the most abundant in possibilities and offer the most diversity of life. It’s the same for the liminal moments !


  5. Deanne, thank you so much for sharing this. In permaculture, the liminal spaces (new vocabulary !!!), the edges, are the most fertile places, the most abundant in possibilities and offer the most diversity of life. It’s the same for the liminal moments !


  6. I have to second all the positive kudos here, Bendis/Deanne. I believe that the more we celebrate the transitions in our lives, the more we get used to the continuous change that life IS. That’s probably the reason I practice Wicca.


  7. This article was first prompted by the sudden realization that I am and have been, experiencing a liminal time not of my choosing. It has been horrendous and painful and sometimes I have felt swallowed by darkness. But this epiphany moment of seeing the possibility of this being a threshold has opened me to seeing light again. It is offering hope and knowledge that I am about to step into something new and joyous. Thank you all for your lovely comments …


  8. Thanks for this beautiful explanation of liminal space and time. I also know well those liminal moments not of one’s choosing. How wonderful that you once again can see the light and are secure in the knowledge that something new and wonderful is being birthed.


  9. This may be 4 years old, but I couldn’t leave without commenting. Thank you so much for explaining liminal spaces in such a beautiful way. I am also grateful for your taking time to explain the uses and potential purposes of them as well. It was a much needed and entirely relevant read.


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