Canada Goose by Sara Wright

Canadian Geese have been on my mind a lot lately. This past winter I have missed the skeins of geese that fly back and forth up and down the river appearing every single morning like clockwork. In Abiquiu when winter turned to spring I noted that the geese were behaving in much the same way the Sandhill cranes did before they migrated, splitting into pairs or groups of three and flying erratically. I was puzzled. I didn’t recall witnessing such behavior before this year. I wondered about migration patterns. Were the geese shifting their flight patterns too? Or perhaps the small groups I saw were staying year round? Some days it almost seemed as if these water birds were confused by something.

I saw three Canadian geese on the last predawn walk I took to the river/Bosque in New Mexico – just an hour or two before leaving for Maine. I knew that a perilous journey was ahead because we were driving cross-country from NM to ME. The C/virus was a frightening threat even though I brought all food, and planned to camp/use woods as bathroom. The first morning after my arrival at home I saw and heard three geese honking over my head. I was struck by the odd synchronicity remembering the mother goose tales of my childhood – and later as a graduate student when I learned about their mythology.

Mother Goose is a benign and loving image of the ancient mother goddess* that is present throughout world mythologies. I like to think that the presence of geese at both ends of a challenging cross-country trip were harbingers of the safe passage…

The Canadian Goose is native to North America and it breeds in Canada and the northern United States in a wide range of habitats. By the early 20th century overhunting and loss of habitat decimated populations almost to the point of extinction, but with the help of preservation programs most populations have recovered.

In some areas these birds are regarded as pests. Many are routinely shot. I find this behavior sad and ironic because the root of this problem belongs to humans who have killed off the birds natural predators, as well as the fact that people have created an abundance of man-made bodies of water near food sources like those found on golf courses, manicured green lawns, public parks, lakefront cottages, and beaches in planned communities. Geese love succulent grasses, sedges, aquatic vegetation, cultivated grains, seeds and berries. They also eat insects and some crustaceans.

Geese mate for life; life-long pair bonds are formed during the second year. Offspring remain with their parents for about twelve months traveling together in large flocks of family groups. The female chooses the nest site, which can be found in unlikely spots like cliff ledges as well as on elevated hummocks. Geese need good visibility to protect their eggs and young goslings. The male defends their territory with elaborate displays well worth watching!

Some geese don’t migrate at all and live year-round in the southern part of their breeding range, which includes both coasts and parts of northern Mexico. When the geese fly over in their characteristic “V” shaped patterns I am compelled to stop to watch this astonishing sight.

If they do migrate, geese tend to breed in northern areas in the US and Canada. Sometimes geese fly to Alaska or the sub-arctic to raise their families.

When migrating, if one Canadian goose falls injured, immediately two companions accompany the goose to the ground and do not leave until the bird either recovers or dies. I have observed evidence of this kind of animal compassion throughout nature in every species I have ever studied.

The geese that migrate return to the exact nesting and overwintering locations every year. In fact, migrating geese use various stop-off resting points when they travel, and these remain largely the same, too. When geese fly south to overwinter, they usually settle somewhere in the middle or southern continental US. The geese that you see every spring or fall are probably the same geese that were around your home the year before.

Since my return a week ago I have seen a few more geese – not the V shaped skeins but small groups that are flying or swimming in nearby ponds. During the late spring I look forward to seeing the parents with their fluffy waddling toddlers feeding at the water’s edge. I am perpetually amazed at how fast the youngsters grow. Geese have beautiful feathers and every summer I collect a few. This year when I find my first flight feather I will be thanking Old Mother Goose for her help.



What is goddess spirituality?

“Goddess spirituality understands nature (or the world) to be the body of the goddess and affirms this world as our true home. This world is understood to be an interconnected web of life shared by humans and other than human beings.” (International scholar/writer Carol Christ)

This earth-based way of being in the world allows us to be present for human and non-human species in a compassionate way – a way that is not based on ‘power over’ and privilege but on respect and equality. The Indigenous Way.

Author: Sara Wright

I am a writer and naturalist who lives in a little log cabin by a brook with my two dogs and a ring necked dove named Lily B. I write a naturalist column for a local paper and also publish essays, poems and prose in a number of other publications.

13 thoughts on “Canada Goose by Sara Wright”

  1. Sara, please keep us posted if you discover anything relating to their unusual behavior this spring. Here in upstate ny I’ve been witnessing all the same things noted in your first paragraph. Could it possibly relate to the decreased airplane traffic, changing their migration patterns? I hope it’s not that most died this winter.

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    1. I most certainly will… I am baffled by their behavior – here in Maine – not one skein of geese – took a picture of two on the pond – but there should be a bevy of geese – _you too please keep in touch with me – Naturalists are in the field – we have an edge that scientists don’t because we are actually LOOKING at wild birds – as a natural history writer I consult many sources and always end up with my own observations because usually they are years ahead of what the “experts” say…. lets exchange email addresses – ok?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. You can go through my eponymous website and then we can share them directly.

        I did see one very sparse skein, not even a dozen, about a month ago. They didn’t spend any time here that I saw, and this is dairy farm region.

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    1. very interesting article – but at this point I would be wary of taking any theory as fact since so much is shifting so fast – the “confusion” I witnessed in Abiquiu might not have been confusion – but due to some unknown factor – the bottom line is that we know so little…

      I do know that resident populations are stable and have been for awhile..


  2. As I’ve said here before, when I was in graduate school, I lived near Crab Orchard Lake in Illinois. The lake was (maybe still is?) a regular stop on the migration path for geese and cranes and, no doubt, other migrating birds. I can’t even describe how wonderful it was to visit the lake during migration season. For one semester (until I moved closer to the university) I lived close enough to the lake that the birds sometimes took off above the duplex I lived in. One evening, I heard the honking and stepped out my front door and looked up. Not ten feet above me was a flock of Canadian geese getting themselves into formation. This is one of my most cherished memories.

    Sara, thanks for your post. Please follow up when and as you can and find out what’s going on with the geese. Please report back what you learn. Bright blessings to you and any and every bird.

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  3. Barbara, I loved reading about your migrating bird memories – gosh there is something about them isn’t there? I love those geese and I will certainly follow up – the problem is there isn’t any research available – these changes are so darn sudden – it’s up to those of us who are paying attention to compare links… even Audubon has nothing…

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  4. I too have noticed odd behavior – the Canadian geese in my park appeared at the wrongs times s- too late and too early . I’m at he edge of the flyway that runs through Texas, also our regular residents who sound of frequently seem to have vanished- i miss their calls circling by my window. On a happier note, this little lovepoem from several year ago:

    Waking Slow I Dreamed You Lay Beside Me.

    Departing, you passed flocking geese
    circling sunwise to greet the dawn;
    sent them by our window
    to serenade kind love songs
    in your name.
    ©2012 Christine Irving

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  5. Thank you as always for keen and compassionate observation. For many years in the Hudson Valley I’ve noticed geese wintering over instead of migrating. So much more open water than there used to be, I have seen a couple of skeins this spring,but not so many. With everyone else, I welcome your further observations and insights.

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    1. Eliazbeth now we are four…. and I extend my gratitude to you and so do the geese – I just hope it’s that flyways are shifting and more are choosing to remain all year… what would spring and fall be like without the geese heralding the seasonal shifts?

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