
Wave Womb by Galen Dara

Feminism and Religion is an all-volunteer project that comes together through the collaborative work of a diverse community of thinkers, writers, activists. You are invited to take part and bring your own contribution to this work at the intersection of feminism and religion. 

There is no single definition of feminism and this is a place of many voices. The purpose of FAR is to further feminist dialogue while nurturing one another’s work, even across our differences.  Our tone should be encouraging rather than judgmental. We all bring our own feminist perspectives and practices to the conversation and that should be welcomed. It may be that in our encounter with one another across the diversity of our contexts and experiences our definitions of feminisms may be expanded – a sign that feminisms is alive and grounded in the lived reality of people’s lives.


A little history…In the 1970′s and 80′s, a flowering of research into the study of women and religion arose within the academy.  Feminist theologians such as Rosemary Radford Ruether, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Delores Williams, Riffat Hassan, Rita Gross, and Judith Plaskow examined and reinterpreted their various traditions, as they analyzed androcentricism within their sacred texts, working to uncover the liberating insights buried within.  Some scholars such as Carol Christ focused their attention upon Goddess worship in the ancient and contemporary world, while others, such as Mary Daly, chose to abandon tradition entirely.

Important work in women’s studies in religion continues as more attention is paid to the intersection between gender, race, culture, and sexual identity, within feminism and religion.

We establish this blog in the hope that feminist scholars of religion — and all who are interested in these issues — will use this forum to share their ideas, insights, and experiences, so that this community of thinkers will be nurtured as we explore diverse and new directions. This project was co-founded by Xochitl Alvizo, Cynthia Garrity-Bond, Caroline Kline, and Gina Messina, in June 2011.

About our Logo

Our logo was designed by artist, Jaysen Waller (www.themettagarden.com) in the spirit of inclusivity.  The objective of this logo is to celebrate and encourage feminist voices in all religions.  FAR embraces all traditions and seeks to explore feminism within religion from diverse perspectives.

Comment Policy

We welcome comments and appreciate all viewpoints shared.  Please be respectful and share with the intent of furthering dialogue and creating community.  Personal attacks and insults will not be posted – nor will unsolicited ads or plugs.  Thanks for honoring our policy and we look forward to expanding dialogue and building community with all who are interested.

Guest Submissions

Interested in contributing a guest post to Feminism and Religion? See our Contact page.

Cross-Posting Policy

We greatly appreciate when others want to share the articles published on FAR.  It is a compliment and let’s us know that FAR is providing an important resource and doing good work.  If you would like to share an article from FAR on your site please honor our policy and post no more than the first two paragraphs of the article with a link to its original location on FAR.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to feminismandreligionblog@gmail.com.


“This blog on feminism and religion is a very important project. It allows interested readers to recognize the large array of writers and activists in this area and the dynamic of their ongoing work. In so doing, this blog establishes a community of partners, expanding the borders and new frontiers of feminism and its influence upon religion.”

Rosemary Radford Ruether, Ph.D.
Professor of Feminist Theology, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University

Talking about the FAR project

Please visit our Youtube Channel to view additional videos of FAR contributors discussing the importance of the project.

9 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thank you just for being here! Where I live in Georgia, north of Atlanta, I was surprised to discover that even transplanted women from other areas find the word “feminism’ to be unacceptable, even vulgar. I found this out at a book club where I had ask 16 members to read Jennifer Donnelly’s, “A Northern Light”. When I used the word Feminism to explain the major theme in the book, one would have thought I said the worse thing in the world, something reprehensible. I was shocked. These are the same women who have good jobs, some divorced, remarried, and have strong opinions, politically. If it wasn’t for feminism these same women would not be who they are today. Did they grow up in a pumpkin patch? K D. :)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi K.D.
      I live in Winder, GA and you are so right! My degree is in History with a certificate in Women’s Studies and I get terribly frustrated here. Add that I am a vegan and you can see how odd I am here!!!


      1. Well, you don’t live that far from me! It is a small world. Yes, it is a little unsettling at the moment and frustrating to see what is going on. I feel like a duck out of water here. :)


  2. I am a modern educated (electrical engineer) orthodox Muslim, and I would like to incorporate feminism into the traditional world to empower my sisters in faith without importing sexual revolution. So, I would like to ask if a chaste feminism is possible? By chaste I do not mean catholic celibacy, but sexual intimacy within marriage. So, I have two goals: Increase sexual intimacy in the traditional world and to decrease abuse of power whether traditional patriarchal or modern misandrist. Can someone here be open-minded enough to support intelligent orthodox Muslims in planning to achieve those goals?


  3. I love this blog. The topics are beautifully penned. Anybody who believes in feminism , should definitely follow this blog.
    Sending love from India’s Feminist and Self Development blog snehaexpression.com


  4. I just found this site a few days ago. Deep gratitude. I was searching for Carol P. Christ, Rosemary Radford Ruether and others who were so instrumental in my own journey to awareness and across the threshold out of my Father’s House. This site is rich, deep, comprehensive and inclusionary! What a delight.
    I shall enjoy reading and contributing.


    1. So happy to have been found by you! Glad you will be joining the conversation and bringing your voice and contributions to the mix. Thank you!


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