My Experience at the Parliament of the World’s Religions: Build the Bubble by Caryn MacGrandle

Mid August I went to the Parliament of World’s Religions.  It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life:  7,500 people from all over the world coming together in love.  Christians, Pagans, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus.  All different religions and cultures.  All with the same intention to find common ground and peace between us while respecting our individual rights, religions, preferences, etc.

Langar lunch

The Sikhs fed us with their Guru Ka Langar lunch.  ‘Langar’ started about 550 years ago with a simple, but gigantic act by Guru Nanak the founder of the Sikh faith.  He was given funds to start his business.  Instead, he bought food and served the hungry.  This tradition is carried on by Gurdwaras all around the world to this day.

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