Matot-Massei: The Question of Women’s Agency and Lives under Patriarchy.

The Torah portion for July 15th is the double-portion, Matot-Massei  (Bamidbar/Numbers 30:2-36:13).  Matot, meaning tribes, runs from Numbers 30:2 to 32:42 and covers vow making as well as what the spoils of war with the Midianites are.  Massei, or journeys, is Numbers 33:1 to 36:13 and describes the Israelites journey through the desert after fleeing Egypt and the boundaries of the Promised Land.  While Matot-Massei have so much that could be discussed including war, images for the deity, and cities of refuge, this post focuses on their women. 

There are three occasions where women are specifically mentioned.  The first concerns vows and their atonement when broken.  Next, women are discussed as spoils of war.  Finally, Matot-Massei describes what to do with inheritance when there are only daughters. 

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