St. Thecla: Transvestite Saint and Woman Apostle by Michele Stopera Freyhauf

Freyhauf, Feminism, Religion, Durham, Old Testament, Blogger, BibleThe story of Thecla is an intriguing one – it is above all a story that demonstrates a woman in active ministry – a story that shows a woman as an Apostle.  The story found is found in the apocryphal literature called Acts of Thecla (sometimes found in “The Acts of St. Paul and Thecla) and seemed to attract the ire of Tertullian and the writers of the Pastoral Epistles.  In fact, some of the names in this story also appear in the New Testament writings. Thecla used to be a Saint in the Catholic Church, and is still a Saint in the Byzantine Rite.  Please note that what I say here is not my original work but a compilation of various interpretations of stories about St. Thecla

St. Paul was travelling in Iconium with his two companions, Demas and Hermogenes.  They were offered hospitality at the house of Onesiphorus.  Paul was giving a sermon praising virginity, stating that eternal reward awaits anyone who lives a chaste life.  Thecla overheard his sermon from her window and became enamoured by his teaching to the point that she was unable to move from her window for three days and three nights. Continue reading “St. Thecla: Transvestite Saint and Woman Apostle by Michele Stopera Freyhauf”