Boldly and Outrageously Envisioning Our Way Through the Maelstrom by Carolyn Lee Boyd

carolynlboydAs we wander together through the maelstrom of our world today, trying to keep our eyes open, our voices firm and truthful, our feet bravely taking one step and then another, may we reclaim our gift of future-envisioning boldly, outrageously, and together as a global community. In perilous times we may think that envisioning a future that may never be is a waste of time and energy. When we look into the future and see only uncertainty, we may no longer be sure that the kind of world we have been working towards for decades could ever exist.

However, it is precisely when we think we are too weary or that all attempts at progress are futile that our visions are the most important because the stakes are highest. If we have no guide towards where we want to go and do not even start on the journey, we are guaranteed to never get there.

Envisioning the future we would like to live in does not, of course, in itself make that future happen. However, our capacity to imagine ourselves living better lives is a powerful tool for personal and societal transformation. The words “I have a dream” still change lives 50 years after they were spoken, as do current speeches by women like Sr. Simone Campbell whose faith in working for a better future is infectious.  The supremely well envisioned peaceful and joyful communities created during women’s festivals inspire me to think they could one day be year-round models. What are your memories of experiencing someone’s vision that was so compelling, so real, that you found yourself willing to fight for it?

In the past, it seems, future-seeing was a well-established role in society, culture, and religion. Women who had this talent, like the oracles at Delphi and elsewhere, were revered, and sacred stories of foreseeing goddesses and spirit beings like the Norns, abounded. Yet, the kind of vision-making I am thinking of is more like that done by the many creator goddesses who molded all we know out of clay or song or her own body. I can imagine them sitting in the midst of unformed chaos, envisioning what kind of world to make and then forming each landscape, natural law, right relationship, and more.

Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls, MA

I can see ourselves doing the same. If we consider our present situation to be a kind of chaos, as it so often seems to be, what kind of a world would we create out of it for ourselves and all those we love? What exactly would it look like, sound like, feel like, move forward with grace and justice and peace like, nurture and love like?

Women of spiritual power, both of the past and of today, are well suited to this task of envisioning. From a long history of feminist utopian literature of various kinds to the many more ancient stories of islands inhabited by women to real women’s communities like the Beguines, we have already dreamed of and made places where we are safe, strong, and valued. For years modern spiritual feminists  have chosen to study ancient and modern societies of peace across the globe and say “why can our lives not be the same?”

Many of the best envisioners of today are, of course, our artists. Whenever they express in deeds, words, song, drama, dance or paintings a healthy, joyful, just world so detailed that we feel as if we could step right onto the streets, move into the houses, rise in the morning to breathe the pure air and love the diverse, abundant plant and animal life, when they allow us to dwell in that world for even just a second, they take a giant step towards making it a reality by making us want to strive for it.

Still, each of us can have a hand in imagining and defining a better future. We need just be intentional about what we do. Will this action, these words, promote or discourage a society I want to be part of? Am I willing to try a new way of being, even if it may not work? Am I making the choices that I would if I already lived in the world I envision?

The task of envisioning a future for us all to strive for is hard. From birth we have all been surrounded by assumptions about who we should be and what we are capable of because we are women. They have shaped how we perceive of ourselves and the world. To create a truly transformational vision, we need to look beyond those blinders, see ourselves as we truly are.

Then, we have the even greater challenge of putting away what we know of the tragedies of the past and have faith that what has been does not determine what will be, believing that humans can make different choices than the history of recent millennia shows. We have to be willing to be truthful about our current situation but dream powerfully about what we expect for the future because to do otherwise is to give up and guarantee that nothing will change.

However, we have something that those from the past who envisioned our future with the freedoms and gifts that we have today did not have — we have each other. Through the internet and social media, our circles and local groups, our friendships and partnerships, we can create interlocking webs of our visions that complete, enrich, and inspire each other.

Winter is the time for seeding what we will bring forth in the spring. It is a perfect time for thinking more deeply about the future, for making a whole planet in our visions that is loving and compassionate, bright and beautiful, peaceful and healthy and therefore showing others what the world can be like if we choose it to be and work hard for it. Let us not waste this season.

Carolyn Lee Boyd is a writer whose work focuses on the sacred in the everyday lives of women. Her essays, short stories, memoirs, reviews and more have been published in numerous print and online publications. You can read more of her work at her blog,


Author: Carolyn Lee Boyd

Carolyn Lee Boyd’s essays, short stories, memoirs, reviews, and poetry have been published in a variety of print magazines, internet sites, and book anthologies. Her writing explores goddess-centered spirituality in everyday life and how we can all better live in local and global community. In fact, she is currently writing a book on what ancient and contemporary cultures have to tell us about living in community in the 21st century. She would love for you to visit her at her website,, where you can find her writings and music and some of her free e-books to download.

15 thoughts on “Boldly and Outrageously Envisioning Our Way Through the Maelstrom by Carolyn Lee Boyd”

  1. Brava! I think it’s important to get a vision of what we want and to hold it. And share it and pass it around. (BTW, my next story about the wicked witch is about the power of visualization.) Let’s all work together to visualize a future we can live in. Thanks for writing this post.


  2. “Our way through” and “our gift of future-envisioning boldly” — thanks for your thoughts, Caroline — The following expression comes from the recent Women’s March, where one of the signs said: “I will not go quietly back to the 1950’s.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that expression from the Women’s March. So true! Also, the second action of the “10 Actions/100 Days” from the Women’s March organizers, which is getting together in groups to plan next steps, includes “The group envisions what winning in 4 years looks like.” Yes!


  3. Yes. I don’t feel helpless so much as world-weary. We fought so hard for ‘all this’ back in the ’60’s and ’70’s. The envisioning of which you speak is what I’m called to do daily, mindfully, moment to moment. I spend more time in my gardens these days, often to the point of exhaustion (which, I am now aware, can defeat the purpose ;) )Always room for learning. Good post, good reminders, mahalo.


    1. Thank you so much! Yes – we do need to remember to take time to renew ourselves, to re-excite ourselves with the possibilities of what we would like to create even in the midst of this most challenging moment. Spending time in your garden sounds perfect. Mine is covered with a foot of snow at the moment (I’m in New England) but when spring comes, that’s where I’ll be, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Envisioning a future of peace, compassion, and freedom — yes, Carolyn, I’m with you. I just visited my old friend Jane while marching in DC. I think one of the visions I have for the future is more movement — literally between our houses and apartments — of people of many different colors and sexual orientations and ages and ethnicities and religions and classes. So that we learn from each other at dinner or over a cup of coffee, so that we broaden our perspectives in this organic way. What are your visions, all you wonderful FAR women?


    1. Yes! Getting out of our dwellings and bubbles and interacting and communicating with one another in a positive, respectful way is so important. Much of my work involves creating opportunities for people of different kinds to come together over a cup of coffee or a lunch and what happens is magical and transformational. I see a longing for this kind of community both in my work and in my everyday life. “Movement” is definitely part of many people’s visions, I think.


  5. Ah, Carolyn, what a beautiful and inspirational post! This is exactly what I needed today. I seem to get so caught up in my daily activities that I don’t take time to envision and dream. I will remember to do that when I’m at my meditation spot in the woods. I live in Maine so I’ve got lots of snow, too, but winter is the perfect time for dreaming.


    1. I”m so glad the post was helpful! Your meditation spot in the Maine woods sounds delightful. I actually find snow to be very good for meditation – there is something about it that is so peaceful and eternal – no matter what is happening in the world, it just keeps on coming down to earth, each flake being its unique and beautiful self!


  6. This is beautiful.Thank you. In these days it is very hard to imagine a bright future for woman, and it seems like it is getting harder by the moment. I love the idea of connecting with others in our struggle to envision our future- as opposed to only using social media to further our own tormented opinions about what is happening today. Your final paragraph- about winter being the best time to lay the seeds- really struck a chord with me. As you can see in the title of my own blog, I use the name winter. I’ve taken it from a work by Patricia Monaghan which spoke deeply to me, and this post has added another layer of meaning for myself. Thank you.



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