From the Archives: Is Baptism a Male Birthing Ritual? By Michele Stopera Freyhauf

This was originally posted on March 22, 2012

Quite a number of years ago I had a conversation with one of my professors, a feminist theologian, who posed the question “Why do I need a man to purify my baby with the waters of baptism?  Is there something wrong or impure about the blood and water from a mother’s womb – my womb?”  Before you jump and shout the words Sacrament or removal of original sin, this question bears merit in exploring, especially in today’s world where women are taking a serious beating religiously, politically, and socially.  In today’s world, violations and rants are causing women to stand up and say STOP!  This is MY Body.  This outcry was provoked by chants of ethical slurs against women– Slut! Prostitute! Whore!  The cry got even louder when the issue of religion and government was raised in the fight of healthcare coverage of contraception. The cry got even louder with the enactment of the laws in Virginia and Texas (and many other states to follow suit) that forces women to undergo transvaginal ultrasounds in early stage abortions.  The mandatory insertion of a wand into a woman’s vagina (mandated by the government, mind you), is a violation and has women crying RAPE!

The memory of this conversation did not re-appear by chance, it was prompted by a book I read for my History of Sexuality Class – Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Context by Anne McClintock who addresses the notion of baptism through origins, property, and power.  So many things are currently being taken away from women and reading McClintock’s assertion regarding male baptism is perplexing.  She believes that male baptism or baptism by a man takes women’s role in child bearing and diminishes it.  These are the same men who historically treated and regarded women as vessels.  She further asserts that this act is a proactive removal of creative agency with respect to a woman’s ability to have the power to name.  That is, the last name of the child belongs to the husband.  A point that supports the notion that patrimony marks the denial of women.  Anyone doing genealogy encounters a perplexing struggle to identify mothers because their names are essentially erased from memory and rarely attached to a child’s name.

Returning to McClintock’s statement about baptism, she believes that the baptismal rite is actually a “surrogate birthing ritual, during which men collectively compensate themselves for their invisible role in the birth of the child and diminish women’s agency” (29).  Baptism re-enacts childbirth as a male ritual.  “The mother’s labors and creative powers (hidden in her ‘confinement’’ and denied social recognition) are diminished and women are publicly declared unfit to inaugurate the human soul into the body of Christ.  In the eyes of Christianity, women are incomplete birthers: the child must be born again and named, by men” (29).  They also act as male midwives, and by using the waters of the baptismal font, the same waters blessed by the same man that is conducting this ritual cleansing – a cleansing that removes  the mother’s tainted blood and water from that baby.

Patriarchy overruns women’s lives.  Though people will argue a scriptural basis for this act because of Jesus’ action of being baptized by John the Baptist, it should be remembered who authored the text.  Baptism, as it is referred to is derived from Jewish purification rituals that men as well as women will undergo when they are “unclean” and need purified.  It is not a one-time event.  In Judaism, original sin is not part of their teaching. It is never mentioned in the Old Testament.  This teaching and understanding emerged from Augustine at a time in the Christian Church’s history that was overrun with patriarchal dominance.  At a time, where women’s voices were being silenced either through martyrdom or through the emerging Christian church in the 5th century C.E.  Prior to that, it was considered to be more of an initiation ceremony NOT a purification ceremony to remove original sin.

Women have emerged as mere property to a state of vast independence.  However for all of the progress that we have made, we seem to be on a backslide.  Thinking about what is currently going on in the United States and examining baptism as a removal or diminishing of a woman’s agency, what else can be taken away from us?  What more of our lives can be controlled?  Will we continue to backslide, or continue to cry out STOP – this time with a louder voice!

Author: Michele Stopera Freyhauf

Michele Stopera Freyhauf is a Doctoral Student in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies and a Member of the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University as well as an Instructor at John Carroll University’s Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Michele has an M. A. in Theology and Religious Studies from John Carroll University, and did post-graduate work at the University of Akron in the area of History of Religion, Women, and Sexuality. She is also a Member-at-Large on the Student Advisory Board for the Society of Biblical Literature and the student representative on the Board for Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society (EGLBS). Michele is a feminist scholar, activist, and author of several articles including “Hagia Sophia: Political and Religious Symbolism in Stones and Spolia” and lectured during the Commission for the Status of Women at the United Nations (2013). Michele can be followed on Twitter @msfreyhauf and @biblicalfem. Her website can be accessed here and is visible on other social media sites like LinkedIn and Google+.

7 thoughts on “From the Archives: Is Baptism a Male Birthing Ritual? By Michele Stopera Freyhauf”

  1. “What else can be taken away from us? What more of our lives can be controlled?” How sad, that this still rings so true, we have continued to backslide. We must “continue to cry out STOP – this time with a louder voice!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. wow – never considered this before -“Baptism re-enacts childbirth as a male ritual.” this terrifying backsliding ‘fits’ so perfectly with a dying culture… how could it be otherwise?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. In one of my earlier communities where I lived for a while, baptism was understood as a ritual that replaced circumcision. Circumcision, of course, only experienced “back in Old Testament times” by males that were marked as God’s “chosen.” The New Testament opened up that ritual to all through replacing it with baptism since there is “neither Jew, nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” All could now take part in what was carried out as an inclusive ritual.

    Nonetheless, all our institutions are essentially patriarchal. Those of us who do not identify as male continue to face second class status. I am happy to see the beginning of what seems to me as gender-blurring. Perhaps that will begin to shake things up enough to effect change in how we treat all sentient beings.


    1. Women and girls who identify as male are also second class compared to biological males – they are recognized as the women they are.


  4. What a great essay! I never though of that, wow, thank you. I see baptism as a “set up”, to fool us out of believing we are God, (especially infants know they are God), there is no disconnection from God never was, one is all there is. It’s all a massive bullshit campaign and the idea that infants need to be washed because they are impure “guilty sinners” is utter bullshit, it’s child abuse really! When a child dies, they go straight up, were Kubler Ross said, they are pure dharma.


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