Contact & Submissions

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If you are interested in submitting a guest post please send your submission to Posts can be on any topic that falls under the very broad category of feminism and religion/spirituality. We encourage you to write on a topic that taps into your particular passions, interests, and expertise, and makes a constructive, feminist contribution. Your contribution can be in many forms – personal reflection/narrative, art, poetry, research, scholarship, etc., and must be feminist, womanist, latinx feminista, trans-feminist, or other liberationist etc., centrally and expansively committed to gender justice.

Please note that all submissions should:

*be original content – not previously published elsewhere (We do on occasion post blogs that are reprints or contain previously published works. Please contact us if you feel that you have something to share that fits our mission and has been used elsewhere.)
*be between 600 – 1,000 words
*include hyperlinks and images if desired. Images need to be submitted separately as jpeg or pdf.  If you have different formats, contact us to see if we can use.  If there are specific places in your narrative where the images belong, please note that clearly in your submission.
*include your photo (.jpeg as separate attachment)
*include a brief bio
*please double check your work.  If you have edits after submission, we will try to accommodate making the changes but we cannot promise that we will be able to do so.
*and, again, touch on the intersection of feminism and religion/spirituality

We welcome and encourage your feedback.  Please send your comments to FAR at

A final note: FAR is an all-volunteer project and have intentionally chosen not to monetize it. No one, including the co-founders and behind-the-scenes co-weavers, make any money from it. It is, nonetheless, a great platform for amplifying feminist, trans-feminist and other liberationist voices at the intersection of feminism and religion/spirituality and has inherent value all on its own.

39 thoughts on “Contact & Submissions”

  1. Hello Wonderful Sisters: I was sent your link by Charlene Spreknak and I am interested myself, in contributing a book review – if the reply section will take it… I will forward it with this message and if not, please let me know how to submit an article and/or book excerpt for: “Feminine Reformation; a goddess meta narrative textbook” primer. Thank you, Jayne DeMente 4


  2. Just saw your link on the blog. For many reasons, such as dis-covering the realms of Deep Memory (a la Daly), I find this site an excellent resource.

    The reason I write: Do you have an RSS feed?

    Blessed Be,



      1. I sent a guest contributor submission last week and haven’t heard back yet. Is there someone monitoring submissions regularly?


  3. Re: Driscoll article on Mary Daly

    I’m thrilled to see that young scholars are writing about Daly and speaking of how transformational her work was in their lives. It is important, however, particularly when clarifying facts, to clarify them all. In her article, Driscoll spoke of Daly’s departure from her University, and the facts around the allegation that she would not teach male students. This is helpful, because her departure and her stance on what happened to her is still tainted by myth and legend.

    However, Driscolls’ passing remark about Mary’s “unwillingness to dialogue” with Audre Lorde also needs clarification. The original argument between them ensued when Daly was criticized about her objection to FGM (female genital mutilation), which she described as torture. When Audre framed the practice as a “cultural prerogative”, and dismissed Daly’s condemnation of the practice as “racist”, Daly’s reply, in part, was her assertion that there is one culture, and it’s patriarchy. There are only variations of the same theme.

    Daly never meant to offend Audre Lorde personally, and in fact, sent her a letter to attempt to clarify her position and to make amends to Lorde. Lorde never publicly acknowledged this letter, and facts of the correspondence were not uncovered until many years after Lorde’s death, when Audre’s biographer uncovered the document. Mary Daly continued to continue taking flak for the supposed “stand-off”, and allegations of racism. However, Daly had the integrity to never publicly dispute Lorde’s assertion that Daly refused to dialogue with her. It saddens me that the myth of Daly’s “racism” persists, even within Feminist academia, when the facts of the matter have now been in print, for years.

    Mary’s uncompromisingly fierce stance in support of women often got her into trouble. As Driscoll implied, she was not warm and fuzzy. She was, however, one of our strongest, most visionary Feminist theorists. She brought us vocabulary that we could use to reclaim ourselves and explain our circumstance within and outside of the framework of patriarchy.

    It is important that we, as women who are educating other women, to get it right. Thanks for writing about Mary Daly, Katie, and take heart that you don’t need to continue to feel bad about Daly’s conduct around Audre Lorde.
    Bright Blessings,

    Lin Daniels, MA
    Women’s Spirituality


  4. Carol Christ recommended that I get in touch with you. I’m an author and a spiritual feminist and I hold strong opinions about feminism and religion. Mostly that religion needs more feminism. Carol tells me that I should write a guest blog. I don’t know how your site works. Can you please give me information?


  5. I am a research student. My study is based on the construction of masculinities under religion Islam. I have read the literature a lot. But i could not find much on it. Please some one guide me what type of questions i will ask. what themes basically entail in Muslim masculinity.


  6. Dear Sisters I would like to contribute to your site; our site! I like the work here and the many opinions are great, I love the diversity here. Please let me know whom can I speak with because I have many question before submitting a guest post. Thank you. Rafi*


  7. Hi there! I am a graduate student at TCU, and I am wondering if Feminism and Religion has an academic journal? I love this blog, but I am looking for academic journals that match my interest in feminism and spirituality/religion. The only one I have found so far is Women’s Studies Quarterly, so could you recommend any others? Or do you run your own?

    Thank you so much!


  8. Hi Dr. Helman!
    I just went around the BC campus to sadly find out that you aren’t teaching here anymore. I am now a senior and am applying to law school in November – Would you be able to email me with your new email address so that I may ask you a few questions?

    Best regards,
    Kyle A. Valente


  9. I’m concerned that Carol Christ’s latest post which arrived this morning in my inbox, is not showing. It says ‘error 409 – this post may have been deleted or moved elsewhere’. I’m concerned that because of the material (some of which showed) the ‘powers that be’ deemed it p.c. to remove? The post is War, War, what are you fighting for.
    Can anyone throw light on this please? I’m aware that this may not be the correct forum in which to ask the question ..


    1. Thank you for contacting us. You may now have seen that Carol’s post is up and available. Sometimes we accidentally publish a post for a few second ahead of schedule – and then take it down – thus the error message. It’s a great post – hope you have now read and enjoyed it!


    1. Even Aminas and mine do sometimes, as far as I know this is wordpress, not us, I don’t know what their alogaritm is. xxx


  10. Hello. I suspect the most mysterious manuscript in the world was written by women. I think it is spiritual in nature and natural in spirit. I think the scholarship on it continues to be obstinately blind precisely because the work is by, for, and about women. Your insights into this theory would be most appreciated. Here is the blog I’ve developed on it. Best to you, Claudette


    1. Thank you, Susan, for your message! I so appreciate you following up. I will make sure to respond to you today. I look forward to reading your submission – thank you!


  11. Can a man be a feminist? I am very much a feminist in that I personally believe in equal rights, equal pay, equl treatment of women. But I have been told by co-workers that “it’s a woman’s movement, and men should mind their own business?”
    I am a pastor and believe that women have as much to say / preach about religion and God as a man, if not more. Yes, there are differences and strengths that each sex have, and that what makes them special and unique.


    1. Hello, Edward. IMO, there’s something out there that’s even better for a man to be than a feminist, and that is a truly enlightened man. What we really need is for men to re-educate themselves and each other about what being a man is all about. It’s not so much mind your own business as it is a call to tend your garden so that we both can flourish inside of who we are. You can’t really help any woman if you don’t know what a man is. It would help women immensely if more men took the time to figure that out and step out of the socially-imposed man box. There is a great site out there to explore from an organization called A Call To Men. It’s beautiful when men get together and be real with one another and work out their baggage. IMO, that’s the best kind of feminist a man could be.


  12. Just got an email in Gmail that said it was from this website, but Gmail warned me. And of course it’s not here. Heads up! It said something like “Word Test”. I deleted it of course but wanted to warn others.


  13. I have submitted an article last week and I have not received any reply! how long does it usually take to get a response? I am so excited about it and this space is my favorite


    1. Hi Samah!

      Thank you so much for your message! We have a number of editors read through all of the pieces that are submitted to make sure that each post we use fits well with the goals of the Feminism and Religion project. I will do my best to get our thoughts back to you by the end of this weekend. Thank you so much for following up!


  14. In these days of Donald Trump, it appears that (a) we are going backwards in terms of Trump’s relationship to women, which are basically having intercourse of women who appear anorexic; (b) we are continuing murdering our Nature. Nature is Feminine, thus, Mother Nature. Our Nature, male AND female is our essence.

    What we don’t get is that our Essence, men and women, is our Nature! Mother Nature is one within all.

    And what are we doing in regards to Nature? Ultimately, we will go the ways of the dinosaur. Of course, if we evolve, we can evolve. The Feminine is inwards. Thus the number “0” is egg shaped. The number “1” is the arising of Desire from the “Body” of “0” that then fosters “1” in relationship to the penis.

    The Feminine Yin in China is a better word with the masculine as the foundations of the diversity all.

    In Yin, there are potentials. When the “1” arises from Her “womb” the world becomes diversified. From the arising of “1” from the womb of “0” within infinite potentials. From there, the “0” enters into the eyes of the reader, and “1” writes due to Eros i.e., Desire. Thus it states “Desire” is born from Marie (Ocean, undifferentiated matter) and the Sophia (Wisdom) inherit in all that is.

    How can I say this? Consider the trees. Do they not realize how to grow? Does a baby know how to grow? Isn’t it true that growth emerges from within (female) and then becomes outward (male).

    Consider Sophia who has a following on “Amazon”. The title is Sophia’s Web: A Passionate Call to Heal Our wounded Nature. Available on


  15. i am Mr. Gode Prasad, a social activits from the catholic family background from India, Andhra Pradesh. has been engaged in the work and deed of empowering women to address their issues. very much interested in liberate and empower catholic women and nuns in the church to fight for equal rights.


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