War, War and More War – Can Goddess Wisdom Offer a Path to Peace? by Judith Shaw

Branwen, Celtic Goddess painting my Judith Shaw

I was on my way home from a wonderful morning spent with my son when I heard the news of the horrific attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens. We had risen early to witness the mass ascension of balloons at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, joining tens of thousands of people from around the world. For 10 days, a diverse crowd gathers on a vast field, experiencing childlike wonder as they watch brightly colored balloons ascend into the early morning sky. It was a joyful morning.

But then, after all that wonder, the car radio delivered the shocking news of the Hamas attack. My joy was shattered. 

“Oh no!” was my first thought. “more war, more suffering, more pain and death.” Though wars have been going on continually since the end of World War II, the vast majority of them are regional.

These regional wars bring great suffering to the area but only a few wars offer the terrifying potential of turning into a world war. The war between Russia and Ukraine began almost 2 years ago on February 24, 2022 after Russia invaded with the intention of taking Ukraine back into its own fold. Its potential to morph into World War III continues. 

And now the continually brewing hotbed of discontent in the mid-east has become yet another war. This has an even greater potential of pulling the world into World War III. 

In both the Russo-Ukranian war and the Israeli-Hamas war the history is long and convoluted as to who owned and occupied what land and when that occupation occurred. The issues are complex and difficult to solve, complicated even further by modern geo-political maneuvering. 

Yet it is my firm belief that war is NOT the answer. Only through a change in consciousness can we truly change the ongoing horror of violence and war. As war spreads across the world I turn to Goddess Wisdom for a potential solution.

I am reminded of the wisdom of two Celtic Goddesses – The Morrigan and Branwen – who speak to different parts of the situation. The Morrigan is a dark goddess who embraces the forces of chaos and destruction – of darkness, transformation, strength through struggle and the righting of wrongs.  Branwen is a goddess of beauty and love. She opens our hearts to love, empathy, and courage while maintaining sovereignty. Together they bring both great strength and compassion

The Morrigan, Celtic War and Fertility Goddess, painting by Judith Shaw

The Morrigan is most certainly roaming the land, witnessing the chaos and destruction brought on by our warlike ways. She can be seen shrieking and flying over battlefields, striking terror and confusion into human hearts. She is also seen as a flock of crows warning of a great battle or feasting on the slain warriors.

The Morrigan was mated to the Dagda, the Leader of the Tuatha De Danaan, and the son of the Great Mother Goddess Danu. She was instrumental in winning the battle that defeated foreign invaders. The Morrigan helped set right what was wrong and brought empowerment to the people 

Chaos and destruction generally occur when balance is lost. It is that breakdown that allows room for a new way to emerge and a new balance to be found. When we are engulfed by chaos and destruction it is important to seek a way out of our own pain, while at the same time having compassion for the other – even those who caused the pain. A difficult task indeed. Heed the wisdom of Branwen – a Welsh goddess loved by her people for her gentleness, compassion, and beauty – for help in finding compassion..

Branwen, Celtic Goddess painting my Judith Shaw

Branwen left her home and people to marry the Irish king, who had wooed her and won her heart. But that persistent human trait of fearing those not like us caused some in Ireland to spread rumors about her and the Welsh. The king closed his heart to her, forcing her to work in the kitchen where she was mistreated. Learning of this her brother, the King of Wales, raised an army and came to her rescue. The war was long and terrible and both peoples were almost completely destroyed. 

As mother of the king to come in the tradition of the Old Tribes of the British Isles, she embodies sovereignty. She is the center from which all life emerges. She rules over both the spirit of and the physical manifestation of the Land. Her vision is long, seeing the whole, the greater scheme of things.

The story of Branwen, Goddess of Love and Beauty is truly one of sorrow. But love infuses her story from beginning to end. Through love she sought to unite the two lands. Her son, had he not been killed during the chaos, would have become King of both Ireland and Wales. Even after her years of suffering she forgave those who wronged her and continued to seek peace, for the people and the land. She calls us to view the whole picture and then take actions based on love and compassion.

Call on both The Morrigan and Branwen for the courage to persevere during times of danger and fear –  to maintain your courage and determination during stressful situations.

The Morrigan appears, reminding us that chaos and darkness are part of the flux and flow of life – for something to come together, something must fall apart. When we face overwhelming challenges the Morrigan helps us tap into our inner strength and to set right what was wrong.

Branwen helps restore our vision to one of wholeness and the understanding that we are all connected. Call on Branwen when you are challenged and lacking in empathy and she will help you feel love again.

The world has grown more connected since those long-ago days when tribes worshipped goddesses and gods. Yet the wisdom of these two Celtic Goddesses help me understand what changes are needed for our consciousness to change. With almost 9 billion people on Earth and nowhere left to go we must leave aside our tribal allegiances and align ourselves with the whole human species while remembering the needs of our animal and plant kin.  All Earth is alive. The Cosmos is alive and engaged in one great flow of interconnectedness. We must now figure out how to right the wrongs committed against all, not only those committed against ourselves and our tribe. 

The Celtic Goddess Oracle Deck is still available. Order your deck here.

I’ll leave you today with a couple of links concerning the path to peace in both wars. David Cartwright explores “The Peace Movement and Ukraine” in his article published in Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. And here you’ll find an analysis of Jewish Voices for Peace’s role in calls for peace in Israel.

Author: Judith Shaw

Judith Shaw, a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, has been interested in myth, culture and mystical studies all her life. Not long after graduating from SFAI, while living in Greece, Judith began exploring the Goddess in her art. She continues to be inspired by the Goddess in all of her manifestations, which of course includes the flora and fauna of our beautiful Earth. Judith has exhibited her paintings in New York, San Francisco, Mytilene Greece, Athens Greece, New Orleans, Santa Fe NM, Taos NM, Albuquerque NM, Houston TX and Providence RI. She has published two oracle decks - Celtic Goddess Oracle and Animal Wisdom Oracle and is hard at work on an illustrated fairytale - Elena and the Reindeer Goddess.

7 thoughts on “War, War and More War – Can Goddess Wisdom Offer a Path to Peace? by Judith Shaw”

  1. Hi Judith. My name is Michelle and I am a hairstylist.

    I’ve heard from some people say” I don’t blame Israel for attacking back.” And other comments.
    It feels like a gut punch to my heart when I hear these types of statements. Why? Because these comments lack compassion for life.
    I say to people who make these statements “I am on no one’s side when it comes to people suffering and dying”…” I feel for the people who are caught in the middle of these disputes.”
    Not in a superior way because I so much pray to the Goddesses, Ancestors, any energy who can be of help to open people’s hearts to feel compassion.
    Thankyou for reminding me of the power of Goddess with your beautiful paintings and words.
    Oh Goddess, I pray for peace and let me not forget your beauty as I walk upon Earth.


    1. Michelle,
      Thank you for being another voice for peace and compassion. Though I understand the rage that rises when great harm is done, one war crime does not justify another. Though forgiveness is not easy that’s for sure. Your prayer is beautiful and with your permission I’d like to include it in a social media post.


      1. Yes I agree. I do not minimize those caught in the middle of these conflicts being angered by the loss of life and loved ones… I can’t even imagine what that must feel like.

        Often I think, would if we collectively replaced our fearful thinking with compassionate thinking what might change? I dare to hope.

        Of course you have my permission. Thankyou for your kind words in your posts. I will never stop caring or give up hope for our Goddess Earth.


  2. I was a child during WWII. The fear and anxiety of those years return. Men have to stop killing each other with women and children killed and terrorized as collateral damage. My question is how do we do that?

    Also, happens to all the lofty talk we hear about the sacristy of life when abortion is the topic?


    1. Winifred,
      That is exactly the question isn’t it – How do we stop the insanity of war? It seems to me that only by changing our consciousness can that happen but that is a tall order for sure. When enough individuals have embraced the consciousness of love, unity and interconnectedness only then will the world be able to achieve peace. Some scholars believe it only takes 10% of the population holding a firm belief in love, peace, unity, etc to shift the consciousness of the whole world. So I guess all we can do is continue to practice peace, compassion and love in our own lives while supporting others who do the same. Oh and let’s all vote for peace-loving candidates and keep democracy alive, right.

      I’ve had that same thought about abortion. Many people who oppose abortion and a woman’s right to choose and control her own body are the same people beating the drums of war. They love the fetus but hate the child. These are the same people who don’t want to provide any pre-natal and regular health care to pregnant women and their children once born.


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