Windigo by Sara Wright


the Potawami Nations call him.


this spirit thrives

in the Northern Woods,

within the human soul.

Hatred for self or other


under Lies.


Windigo, the

Potawami Nations call him

He thrives

on greed.


He can never

Be filled.


on the outside

S/He grows crooked

on the inside

courting betrayal,

choosing to divide –

taking  pleasure

from harming

those who are kind.


Windigo, the

Potawami Nations call him

He thrives

on greed.


He can never

Be filled.


He uses ‘words

as currency’ –

a poet who deceives –

illusion and delusion

are his bedmates.

He strikes in the dark –

A diamond backed rattlesnake

wearing a woman’s face.


Windigo, the

Potawami Nations call him

He thrives

on greed.


He can never

Be filled.



generosity of spirit

are cracks…

open doors

through which

he gains entrance

to consume

a human soul.


Windigo, the

Potawami Nations call him

He thrives

on greed.


He can never

Be filled.



an ill west wind –

even his name

tells the tale.

Deaf to Earth’s keening

Duststorms rage.


Windigo, the

Potawami Nations call him

He thrives

on greed.


He can never

Be filled.


To deal

with such a force

Windigo must be confronted,

held accountable

and the Medicine

to break the spell

is two fold –

Exposure and



Working notes:

For some Northern Indigenous peoples the Windigo is an evil spirit that poisons human hearts and steals their souls.

In the past two days three people have been betrayed by a woman who embodies this destructive spirit. The details aren’t important but the message of how to heal oneself from this form of human evil is:

When we are confronted with unholy darkness we first take appropriate measures to protect ourselves. Next we confront the Windigo in whatever way is meaningful. Finally we expose his/her/ rotten flesh to the heat of a rising sun and walk away


Sara is a naturalist, ethologist ( a person who studies animals in their natural habitats) (former) Jungian Pattern Analyst, and a writer. She publishes her work regularly in a number of different venues and is presently living in Northern New Mexico.

Author: Sara Wright

I am a writer and naturalist who lives in a little log cabin by a brook with my two dogs and a ring necked dove named Lily B. I write a naturalist column for a local paper and also publish essays, poems and prose in a number of other publications.

2 thoughts on “Windigo by Sara Wright”

  1. Thank you for this reflection on the Windigo. I was struck by the different faces this spirit can wear. How challenging and humbling to consider that each of us might also harbor and need to confront our own Windigo.


    1. It is sad but true that we do need to understand that this darkness also resides within…as well as without. Addressing this reality allow us to stop projecting “evil” onto others. However, his is a “both and” reality because in this case the woman who betrayed us was acting out of this dark spirit.

      What’s most important is recognizing and exorcising this energy effectively.


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