Elena and the Reindeer Goddess: The Mission Begins by Judith Shaw

As much as I wanted to finish my fairytale project in time for the winter holidays, the muse had a different idea. Perhaps the energy of winter was what I needed in order to finish the grand finale painting for the tale. It depicts a night sky filled with magic and wonder.

On the Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn joined together in the sky at 0º  Aquarius. This night sky with its planetary energy brought me the vision of an interconnected web of light in the sky. This vision clarified the direction my tale would take and how the Reindeer Goddess would help heal the world.

Now both the creative and the pre-press work is done and the book is at the printers. I should have the copies on hand in a couple of weeks— just barely in time for a winter night’s read. The beginning of the book was published on FAR last winter in three separate posts —  part 1, part 2, and part 3. In the meantime here’s another excerpt to pique your interest. Skiping ahead in the story to just after Reinna transformed from woman to reindeer, this passage begins as Reinna takes to the sky for her Winter Solstice mission.

She set out with great leaps and bounds as Elena and Grandmother waved a fond farewell.

Quickly she arrived at the giant tree on which she had left a bag of many feathers collected over the year — gifts from our bird relatives. Each feather carried Air’s message of creativity, harmony, communication and intelligence.

Grabbing the bag with her antlers, she soared into the sky toward her destination for Fire’s gifts far, far away. As she flew toward the mountain that sometimes spewed flames into the air, dark clouds filled the sky and a powerful wind arose.

Rain began to fall, hitting Reinna like stones flung from a slingshot. She braced herself against the wind and rain as she struggled to make progress toward the mountain. On and on she flew while her heart grew heavy with worry that the storm might wreck her plans. A gloomy thought entered her mind. “I need help, but Elena and Grandmother can’t help me here.”

At that moment she saw a bird approaching from far away. The wind howled and tossed her about. She struggled to make progress as the bird grew closer and closer.  Her heart soared with hope while her mind cringed with fear. “Who is this bird – friend or foe?”

The bird, a beautiful white-tailed eagle arrived and soared around her – its golden eyes shining bright like the sun. “Reinna, I heard your cry for help. We birds need your mission to succeed for the human’s ways are hurting us too. Follow me and we’ll reach the mountain safely.”

With that statement Eagle’s eyes began to glow brighter and shine stonger, becoming lanterns to light the path in the storm darkened sky.  “Stay close and behind me for shelter from the storm.”

Reinna nuzzled up close by Eagle’s tail, instantly feeling a difference in the wind’s strength. Steadily they flew – Eagle in the lead offering its strength and courage to Reinna’s mission. 

With a glance over its shoulder Eagle shouted over the wind, “There it is – just up ahead!”

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart. During this past year I have gathered many rocks which were spit out with the mountain’s fire long ago – all meant to convey fire’s message that we each have inner light, passion, will power, and ability to magically realize our dreams. Without these, my message would be incomplete and my mission to open the hearts of my human children would fail.”

Leaving the shelter of Eagle’s huge wing span, Reinna landed gracefully on the mountain side. She perched just under the large rock where she had hidden the bag of Fire’s gifts. With a swipe of her paw, the bag flew into the air, falling gently upon her antlers. 

As if by magic, the wind stopped and Reinna took off again to where the river meets the sea. Here she gathered up her bag of seashells of many colors and shapes – filled with Water’s gifts of wisdom, dreaming, healing, flowing, changing, and love.

Meanwhile in the forest, as the short day was nearing its end, Elena and Grandmother continued to dance. Grandmother, who tired more easily, stopped again for a drink of water and a handful of nuts. 

At that moment as Elena danced all alone, she spotted two men – their faces distorted with anger and arguing loudly with each other while heading straight for the sacred space. One was tall and thin; the other one was short and squat. Elena knew their hearts were filled with hatred. She knew she couldn’t let them into the special place. But what should she do?

Thinking quickly, Elena pulled her hood over her head so that it hung low and covered her face. She slowed her dance to a clumsy walk and bent over as if in pain.

“Kind sirs,” she called out. “Please do not come near me.”

The men, noticing her for the first time, looked her way in surprise. 

An ugly sneer formed on the tall one’s face. “Well, well that’s a lovely jacket she’s wearing,” It would fetch us a pretty penny at the market. Let’s take it from her.”

Hearing this, Elena knew that not only were their hearts filled with hatred but also with greed.  She must stop them.

“Oh sirs, I fear for your safety. I have a terrible illness which can pass very easily to anyone who comes near me. I come to this spot to exercise away from all, so that I don’t infect anyone. Please sirs, keep far away from me,” Elena said with a shaky voice.

Upon hearing her words, the men stopped in their tracks and looked at each other. 

“She’s lying,” the short one said.

Elena’s mind was racing. Nervously sticking her hands in her pocket, she thought “What to do? What to do?” Then she felt the fragment of antler bone Reindeer Goddess had given her.

Inspired by the Northern European stories of a Reindeer Goddess, this tale honors the Sacred Feminine and its power to bring balance, compassion, and unity to our fractured world. Available by mid-February, you can pre-order a copy now. Discover how Elena resolves her problem and what the Reindeer Goddess’ mission is really all about. This tale, suitable for ages 8–12 and for those adults who still embrace the magic of childhood, promises to uplift your spirits and inspire optimism for the healing of our world.

Pre-order your copy here. I expect to ship them out by mid-February.

Also Available — Celtic Goddess Oracle Deck  Click Here.
— Animal Wisdom Oracle Deck  Click Here.

Author: Judith Shaw

Judith Shaw, a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, has been interested in myth, culture and mystical studies all her life. Not long after graduating from SFAI, while living in Greece, Judith began exploring the Goddess in her art. She continues to be inspired by the Goddess in all of her manifestations, which of course includes the flora and fauna of our beautiful Earth. Judith has exhibited her paintings in New York, San Francisco, Mytilene Greece, Athens Greece, New Orleans, Santa Fe NM, Taos NM, Albuquerque NM, Houston TX and Providence RI. She has published two oracle decks - Celtic Goddess Oracle and Animal Wisdom Oracle and is hard at work on an illustrated fairytale - Elena and the Reindeer Goddess.

13 thoughts on “Elena and the Reindeer Goddess: The Mission Begins by Judith Shaw”

  1. Oh Judith – these paintings are just stunning – so beautiful – and the tale leaves one wanting to know more… I know how smitten you are with the Reindeer Goddess… perhaps she is living through you…. such a lovely interlude reading this post…I hope others are as thrilled with the story… I know that I would like to read it – I work at a local land trust ( as a writer and volunteer) and they have a childrens’ story walk that for the most part has tales I think we could do without – often cartoon – like – it’s weird to walk through a stand of old trees and see cartoon figures – what message is this bringing to the children? Yet my guess is that if I introduced this book the ‘goddess’ theme wouldn’t work…sad.


    1. Sara,

      Glad to hear that you are intrigued with the story. I know what you mean about the cartoon aspect of things for children. True to form I paid no attention to the marketability of this tale as I followed my own inner urgings in bringing it to the world. Yet once I started researching cover art for children’s books (lay-outs, fonts used, etc) I was astonished to see that the majority of books for children, especially very young ones, all use cartoon characters. And much of it is pretty yuky. Another instance of corporate think taking over our minds and worlds. But the truth is children don’t buy stuff — their parents do. Hopefully enough parents will be looking for alternative ways of seeing the world to present to their children. 

      Liked by 2 people

      1. my god I hope that you are right – but when I look at adult movies I am quite horrified by the violence/ there’s of hatred revenge etc. so? I have had a number of conversations with grandmothers who are associated with the land trust – and no one I talked to seems to think cartoon figures are upsetting but me…One woman said
        “oh my grandchildren just love them..” well, where do you go with that?


        1. I guess the only place to “go with that” is to continue speaking your truth in the most compassionate way possible and those who are open to change will hear. Many will never change, but the most open and flexible among us are the children.


  2. What a beautiful story and the illustrations are just stunning. Imagine if we had had books like this as children! I love that you ignored corporate think and made the cover art what your heart told you it should be. I think that many many parents and children will appreciate the love and care you have put into this book. I can’t wait to read it!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes Judith I agree and good to remember who we really are in this troubled world. What is going on now is absolutely evil, complete corruption on every level of government, political puppets, what is coming out of Davos is insane and deeply evil and we can stop all of this.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Jan,

      I haven’t really considered a Spanish translation but am open to the idea. I don’t know if I could handle that as a self-published project though, as I have no real reach into the world of Spanish speaking countries. I am going to look for an actual publisher for the book so who knows…

      Do you think that parents and children in a warm place like Costa Rica would be interested in a far northern tale full of cold and snow?


      1. HELLO:

        I can no longer write a comment on feminism and religion. I tried to add a photo via gravatar and somehow after an unsuccessful attempt at that, I can longer write comments. Somehow Gravatar is linked to wordpress? HELP!!!!!!!




        1. Hi Jan,

          I don’t really understand your issue as your appeal for help appeared in the comment section so it looks like you can make comments. Maybe try again and forget about adding an image via gravatar as that seemed to cause a problem. Technology is very, very hard to keep up with!!


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