In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance by Dale Allen

TODAY •  BOOK LAUNCH ON AMAZON!  Launch Discounts underway now!

There’s something about a book. I make a lot of things: podcasts, videos, a film, a musical production, paintings, lots of articles for publications, but this… this feels huge to me. A book. A book that represents 25 years of my life as a spokesperson and champion of the feminine side of humanity – a part of all us.

Here’s the official Press Release:

Veteran of corporate and commercial communications, host, interviewer, and filmmaker Dale Allen has now released her new book, In Our Right Minds. This new book is an in-depth exploration of the sacred feminine and its power to heal humanity as a whole. Sharing her profound journey of exploring the goddess archetype, the author combines science, art, and history for a transcendent literary journey.

In Our Right Minds is a highly comprehensive book that takes readers on a transformative and eye-opening voyage. In addition to deeply personal poetry and profound art, the book combines psychology, history, sociology, anthropology, and myth to shed new light on the fabric of human existence, thus helping readers understand humanity’s innate purpose. The book takes a deep dive into the goddess archetype and uses the work of several notable scholars to explore humanity’s history before the gender hierarchy. By tapping into the divine inner wisdom of their right brain and understanding its link to the sacred feminine, readers can begin to grasp what humanity’s true natural balance feels like. This alteration of perspective can help people from all walks of life open the doors to true healing and growth.

On this Launch Day, I want to share a celebration with you dear Women of FAR.

My first offering of the sacred feminine through the use of creative arts, was to write a musical theater production.  It was titled, Dancers of the Dawn, and was the precursor to In Our Right Minds. The play featured a cast of seven women of different ages, shapes, sizes and colors.  Through dramatization, the women shared the lost history of the sacred feminine. They explored the energy and power of the ancient Goddess, threading this lost heritage into their lives as contemporary women.  The play launched the next 25 years of my commitment to sharing this message.

Deborah Koff-Chapin is one of the artists featured in the book.

I want to share with you a spirited scene from the play: We Celebrate This Woman.  All these years later, I can still hear the women’s voices resounding in the theater.  Setting the scene… the cast formed a semi-circle, energetically including the audience in a full circle communion.  The drummers played an irresistible beat, and one-by-one each woman took her place in the center of the circle.  Here, she danced wild and free, as the other women called out in unison, “We celebrate this woman!”   Each sequential tribute passage was extoled by one of the women, and each woman took her turn to dance in the center of the circle. The scene was electric!

As you read, it is my hope that you will accept for yourself all the praise that We Celebrate This Woman carries. I am personally celebrating my book launch today. To feel a quarter of a century of my life and commitment come full circle is profound.  And I know that this heralds a new beginning, a new chapter in my work and offerings.  This energy vortex is yours too.  You are here on FAR because you too are called to be inspired, to share yourself, your heart, and your message, and so I am celebrating YOU! 

We celebrate this woman!

See her beauty! See it radiate from within! She is the image and likeness of the Goddess! As the rivers and streams, the lakes and oceans are Mother Earth’s sacred blood, so is this woman’s blood sacred. The stream of life runs through her; the blood of life runs through her. Her sacred blood follows the cycles of nature, for she is one with Mother Earth!

We celebrate this woman!

See her hands that work and create, that caress and comfort! See her arms that gather and hold, protect and enfold. See the strength with which she protects her boundaries!

We celebrate this woman!

The nurturing love of the Goddess flows through her. Whether it is the milk that grows a child or the love and care that flows in energy from her heart to the world, the healing love of the Great Mother flows through her! She is holy! She is whole!

We celebrate this woman!

Her womb is the womb of creation! All that is good is birthed through her. Her soul’s gifts are gestated in her womb and are born with love into the world. Carrier of life, carrier of love, carrier of all creation – she is sacred!

We celebrate this woman!

See her legs that dance her sacred and joyful dances! From her hips to her feet, she is grounded deep into Mother Earth. See her legs and  the strength with which she stands in the glory of her divine heritage.

We celebrate this woman!

Blessed is her roundness! Blessed is her fullness! Blessed is her softness! Blessed is her body! The sacred fire of the Goddess glows in her belly. Every curve of her body is grace!

We celebrate this woman!

We honor her courage. We honor her strength. See how to herself she is true! See how she acts from her inner knowing! She how she refuses what is not right for her. See how she opens all her energy to that which honors and sustains her!

We celebrate this woman!

We honor her wisdom. We celebrate her journey and the life experience that makes a spiritual elder, a wise woman, a crone, and a Keeper of the Flame. For she is a Holy One. She is a daughter of the Goddess. She and all her sisters are a divine lineage. Oh, Blessed One, we celebrate you!

In Our Right Minds by Dale Allen – Launching Today on Amazon with launch discounts!

BIO: Dale Allen offers her In Our Right Minds film, curriculum, book and keynote on her website.  Her YouTube Channel features nourishing content including interviews from the Parliament of the World’s Religions. “The Dale Allen Podcast” is on all podcast platforms.   Find out more at:


7 thoughts on “In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance by Dale Allen”

  1. Ordered!!!! I have known Dale Allen many years now.  She is my Soul Sister.  We get on the phone and instantly connect with what is going on in our lives.  I am honored to know many of you like that.  Dale is one of the most kind-hearted and amazingly talented people that I know.  I also cannot tell you the number of times she has called me and said, “Caryn, don’t do that. Think this over.” Because she treats everyone as if they are the most special and unique person on earth.  Even the ones who do not deserve it.  Especially the ones who do not deserve it.  She sees the world we want to build. Love you Dale and can’t wait to have the book in hand!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Caryn, I think I’ll just print your words out and tape them on my bathroom mirror. Thank you so much my Soul Sister – always <3


  2. Congratulations on your book! What a wonderful achievement! I love your celebrations. We so rarely celebrate ourselves and even each other – I love how you celebrate different aspects so everyone can find one or more celebratory statements that fit just what she needs at this moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Carolyn! That was the loving intent and your words go right to my heart for gleaning that <3


  3. Congratulations on your book, I love your title. Good for men and women to understand how we have actually been duped into the imbalance of our brains, the intentional disconnect and it was intentional, from our right and left brain hemispheres.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We celebrate THIS WOMAN- Dale Allen! Dale I am so happy for you to have this confirmation- a solid book to hold in your hand- it is so powerful! Now more women will be blessed by your gift of sharing the Divine Feminine and your incredible expertise. What an amazing array of expressions- from your movie, to your podcasts, to this book and on and on. You are a sacred messenger, a way shower and warrior for what is true essential, beautiful and powerfully divine in the feminine!


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